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Welcome to Year Six

Click here to view our beginning of year presentation.

Our curriculum information can be found in the curriculum area of this website. 


What is it like to be in Year Six?

In Year 6, I feel surrounded by love, friendship and faithfulness as at Divine Saviour we all look out for one another. In Year 6, all of my teachers help me in the kindest way if I need support with anything at all. The pupils in my class stand by each other through the ups and downs. - Nicola

Being in Year Six has been a pleasure, it has been fun and I've learnt a lot. Being at the top of the school is great, there are many different roles that you can apply for such as Eco Team, Chaplaincy, and House Captain. I am one of the House Captains and even when we weren't in school we had the opportunity to make inspiring videos and encourage others to do well. Each week we have had a different  house challenge to do at school (or at home). One week we were challenged to find a fun fact about our favourite subject and that has been my favourite challenge so far. Divine Saviour has taught me a lot which I will bring to my next school. I'm sad to be leaving, but I'm really looking forward to senior school and  the adventures that it'll bring! - Mia

So far Year 6 has been incredibly fun,  it has been very productive. Our work is planned out really well and I have enjoyed it a lot.  I find the Art and English lessons incredible and all the other activities we do are fun too. All the subjects fill the day perfectly. Year 6 has been awesome so far! - Ella


 Click here to see our Autumn Term Curriculum Newsletter.

Click here to see our Spring Term Curriculum Newsletter. 

Click here to see our Summer Term Curriculum Newsletter. 


Remote Learning for Year 6 Pupils

If your child is absent from school for Covid-19 related reasons please see our school's Remote Learning Plan for details of how we will be providing learning for your child. 

The following web links can be used to find suitable educational materials and resources for children to cover a short term (48hr) absence from school:

Purple Mash

My Mini Maths

Spelling Frame

Reading Plus

Times Tables Rock stars