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Governors Fund

One of the key sources of funding for Divine Saviour is the voluntary contributions made by parents, grandparents, and other friends of the school to the Governors’ Fund.

The Governors’ Fund is used for School Improvement efforts and has enabled some of our most important investments in the school over recent years, such as:

  • replacing the dining room floor
  • new bi-fold doors in the hall/dining room
  • repairs to the school roof
  • refurbishing and decorating the classrooms

 For major projects, the Governing Body works to secure grant funding - from the diocese, local council, and other organisations that provide grants. These grants typically require that we fund a portion of the total cost - which is borne by the Governor's Fund. 

 To continue our investment in the school, we rely on the generosity of parents and other donors who contribute to the Governors' Fund.  For those who are able to contribute, you can make contributions directly into the governors bank account.

Account name: Divine Saviour School Governors Fund

Sort code: 30-99-50

Account number: 17164563

Bank: Lloyds Bank


For more information about the Governors Fund click here