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Welcome To Our Catholic School

We are a Voluntary Aided Catholic school under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Westminster. Our mission in serving the local Catholic parishes of St Saviour's and Our Lady Mother of the Saviour, is to offer Catholic education, spiritual and moral teaching to the children in our care.

Religious education lies at the core of everything that we do. We devote 10% of curriculum time to the teaching of RE and follow the ‘Come and See' scheme from Nursery to Year 6. We also explore and express our faith through other subjects including Art, Drama, Music, Science and Literacy.

Collective acts of worship for the whole school take place four times a week and in individual classes on the remaining day. Our parish priest is a  regular visitor to school, as are other clergy from across the Watford Deanery  and there are many occasions throughout the year when we celebrate Mass together as a whole school or individual year groups. In addition to this, prayer is important at all times both collectively and individually. 

We are very proud of our distinctive Catholic ethos which is underpinned by our mission statement:

'Learning to live like like Jesus through love, truth and understanding'

We place Christ at the centre of all that we do and offer all things to God.