We are delighted to have signed up to work with OPAL on an 18 month project to improve our playtimes.
Children spend 1.4 years of their primary school attendance in playtime. This time is valuable and needs careful planning. Better play means happier children. Happier children mean fewer behaviour problems; a more positive attitude to school, lessons that are more effective, core skills development, less staff time spent resolving problems, fewer accidents and happier staff.
We believe that play has a vital role in children’s happiness and wellbeing. It creates children who are independent, confident, imaginative, adaptable and able to self-assess risks.
Please watch this space for updates and photographs of our work to develop play experiences for all our children over the coming months.
OPAL - in photos
Click here to view the Opal website
Click here to view the November 21 parent introduction letter.
Click here to view our play policy.
Click here to read our Loose Parts Donations letter (March '22)
The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) promotes risky play!
It is always a slight worry to parents and to staff who work with children when they are engaged in what could be described as ‘risky play’. We are programmed to try and stop anything which poses any kind of risk. Recent research has shown that this is not preparing our children to make their own risk assessments and overcome problems and challenges. The HSE agrees with this, stating that play which carries some risk is not only allowed but should be actively encouraged. Children, by law, have the right to play. Below is a link to the HSE report on why risky play should happen in schools: